Individual Insurance & Benefits Marketplace

Individual Insurance and Benefits Marketplace Click here for a list of the open enrollment insurance products available in your state.

Shop for insurance plans from industry-leading providers through the ABG Private Exchange. The portal allows you to shop and compare insurance carriers in both the public and private market at once, and provides you with the advice of an experienced and licensed benefits counselor that has your individual needs in mind. You are also able to enroll in other exclusive benefits such as supplemental health, dental and vision coverage.

Applying through ABG MB Exchange allows you to shop and compare all of the carriers in the private market at once and provides you with the advice of an experienced and licensed Benefits Counselor that has your individual needs in mind. You are also able to enroll in other exclusive benefits such as supplemental health, dental, vision, disability, etc. at the same time as your medical enrollment. This creates a one-stop-shop for all of your benefit needs.


Five reasons to shop for your benefits on the ABG Insurance & Benefits Marketplace

  1. One-Stop Shopping
  2. With ABG, there is no need to jump to multiple websites from different carriers to compare plans. Members now have an easy way to evaluate all available plans from leading companies.

  3. Decision Support Tools To Help You Save Money
  4. Our decision support tools help guide you through the buying process by filtering out plans that don’t fit and help you to find a plan that best fits your unique individual needs, reducing your total out-of-pocket costs and saving you money.

  5. Concierge-Level Advocacy Now And Throughout The Year
  6. If at any time you have questions about any of the plans, coverages or how to enroll, all you have to do is call us and a qualified Benefits Counselor will assist you year-round.

  7. The Best Health Industry Pricing Available For ACA Health Plans And Access To Hundreds Of Other Options 
  8. The ABG Exchange offers more than just ACA medical plans. Access to preferred rates on other benefits including dental and vision insurance is also available.

  9. Personalized Customer Support From Licensed Benefits Counselors
  10. Our dedicated team of Benefits Counselors are specially trained to work with insurance agents and can provide you with expert advice about each health plan.